Today was not a good day for me..
not because of the exam..
but because of my health...
i woke up at 4.30 am this morning...
to revise my sejarah...
today i got to sit for sejarah paper 2...
i read n memorized...
until after the exam..i still havent forget the notes that i had memorized..
First paper of the day was English..
Essay part...
no one spotted it correctly..
they spotted report n informal letter...
but it came out article..
luckily i noe wad was the article's format...
i wrote quite well for the directed essay's part..
i chose the one word essay for the continuos essay's part...
the title of 'Stars'...
i wrote about the
i dunno whether i wrote it correctly..
but overall for the paper...
i did well..
after a period of rest...
sit for english paper 2..
objective part..
the objective part was easy...
i think who r weak in english will also feel very easy...
the novel part..
i was not sure..'did i do correctly??'
no one could answer me..
conclusion...did quite well...
1 hour later...
came back from 'kopi tiam'
took sejarah's paper 2...
this paper..i think there was only a few did seriously for it..
the time for this paper was 2 hour n a half[2.00pm - 4.30pm]
but everyone of us...went out to the class at 3.30pm...
i did the whole paper in one hour time...
i think 2 hour n a half is too long for me...
Today papers..i did quite well...
but i couldnt happy..
i felt dizzy after i finished my english paper 2...
i felt i was goin to faint..
the thing i looked at..turned around...
it was too warm...
after i took my lunch..a felt better...although there was still a lil bit dizzy..
but i could do my sejarah paper..
but after the sejarah paper...
i had stomachache...
couldnt stand up straight..
today was the day which full of sickness for me...